Connectiv will optimize your operations

More than 30 possible configurations

Adapt to any industry need with our modular design

  • Swapable laser, IMU and camera modules to adapt to the requirement of any project.
  • Easy to install on a broad range of drones.
  • Chose the right combination, according to the precision and accuracy required, the size of the zone to cover, the density of vegetation in the area and more.
  • Follow the status of the Connectiv modules in real time with e-Connect application.
  • Get your calibrated, aligned, adjusted, colorized, and georeferenced point cloud (LAS) in a few minutes with e-LAS.
  • Save costs with faster and safer operations.

Extensive fieldwork experience

More than 30 years of combined expertise

Developed by a team of geomatic experts, engineers, and software developers, Connectiv addresses the industry challenges. We are committed to transforming your geospatial data acquisition process with our advanced modular solution.

Contact our team

Let’s talk about your project!

At Balko tech, we are aware of the challenges that a technological transition can bring. That is why our dedicated team accompanies you throughout the process, from purchase to first use, to technical support. Our goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Contact us today to let us know about your projects and how we can help you to optimize your operations.

We are looking forward to meet you Contact us